Trinity Total Nutrition Blog

Common problems when starting a new diet
It's time to visit some of the most common problems people face when changing their diets and nutrition. If you're like most people, you will run into some problems. And it is totally normal. It isn't always about a smooth transformation; it is about testing, learning, and improving. That's how...

Changing Habits
To understand how to change our habits for good, we need to understand how habits work on psychological and neurological levels. Habits are (for the most part) an automated pattern of behavior designed to conserve our brain’s energy. The brain avoids constant analysis of conditions and possible responses when it...

Supplements to support and boost your goals
Food supplements are one of the most sought-after topics in health and fitness. There would be nothing more desirable than to pop a couple of pills down your throat every day and magically lose weight. And the food supplement is a huge business that has only boosted this trend. That...

Losing weight
The most talked about topic in nutrition — how to eat to lose weight. The goal isn’t to give you all the possible information out there about the nutrition in weight loss, but rather the overview of the most important principles. It is as important to avoid common pitfalls of...